Leonard Cohen (1934, Montreal) is a Canadian poet, novelist, singer and song writer. In 1951 he enrolled in McGill University, where he became the President of the McGill Rhetoric Society. Let Us Compare Mythologies, his first collection of poems was published during his university years, in 1956. His second volume, The Spice-Box of Earth, (1961) made him well-known in literary circles. In the 1960s he wrote poems and prose alike. He has led a secluded life on the Greek island of Idra, where he wrote his collection of poems, Flowers for Hitler (1964), and two of his novels, The Favourite Game (1963) and The Beautiful Losers (1966), which have since been translated into several languages. His novel, The Favourite Game is and autobiographical book about a young man who finds his true self in writing, while The Beautiful Losers examines self-reflexivity through mixing religion with sexuality and with the sacred and the profane.